The New Worship (paperback)



You are not obligated to purchase the book! Use the PowerPoints as you wish. But to get more value out of them, you may want to get your copy of the paperback through Baker Books or Amazon (new or used).  Below see a brief description of the book & its table of contents.

The New Worship: Straight Talk on Music and the Church by Barry Liesch.  Baker Book House, 2001, 275 pages.

The New Worship is an “issues” book on contemporary worship practice.  It seeks to answer the barrage of questions being asked today, and provide practical help for the week-by-week planning of worship.

Topics/Issues: hymns vs choruses, free-flowing praise, divisiveness over style, implementing change, worship as performance, order of worship, staff relations, improvisation, the importance of Colossians 3:16/Eph 5:18.

A lot of effort went into the graphics, which contain many charts, figures, illustrations, and concept icons. Popular in style with a scholarly foundation, it has been used as a worship text by many colleges.

Contents of The New Worship

I. Contemporary Worship Services

1. Hymns or Choruses?

2. Teaching, the Spirit, & Congregational Song

3. Free-Flowing Praise

4. Journey into the Holy of Holies

5. Designing the Service

6. Drama, Scripture, Technology

7. Inspiring the People’s Song

II. Pressing Issues

8. Is Worship a Performance? The Concept

9. Is Worship a Performance? The Implications

10. Worship: Christ’s Action & Our Response

11. Worship that Models the Purpose of the Church

12. Resolving Tensions over Musical Style: Peter

13. Resolving Tensions over Musical Style: Paul

III. Ministering with Others

14. Volunteer & Staff Relations

15. Identifying, Attracting Church Musicians

16. Why Seminaries Should Teach Music & Worship

4 thoughts on “The New Worship (paperback)

  1. I love the book so far, however I’m having trouble finding some of the content online that you mention. For example, where is the article that you speak of in page 66 of your book? – The criticisms of Harold Best. Also, the software mentioned in Appendix 3, I can’t seem to find that either. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you!

  2. I would like to get answers for these questions for my students.

    a) According to the new worship book by Barry Liesch , how does music fit into the Ephesians 4: 11-12 ministry gifts that God has placed in the church?

    Answer: only need two paragraphs

    b) What are the concepts and implications of worship as a performance?
    Answer: two paragraphs
    c) Discuss the problem raised in chapters 12 and 13, Either from the book or from your own expeerience, give suggestions for adequate solutions to the problems discussed. From these chapters, what three ideas are most significant to you?
    Answer: two paragraphs

    • Vuyisa,
      Gifts of the Spirit?
      If you have the paper copy of The New Worship, the discussion of gifts is on pages 219-20.

      Worship as a Performance?
      I can’t answer in two paragraphs. Chapter 9 of The New Worship is devoted to that questions.

      Chapters 12/13?
      I don’t know if I can do much better than I’ve written in chapters 12 & 13.
      You ask hard questions!

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