09B Sinai: Meeting with God, Sin, Mediation, Leadership (new) PIP PP

Crisis! Three Thousand die!

Moses receives the Law on Mount Sinai: lightening, thunder, smoke, a trumpet sounds louder and louder.  At foot of Sinai the people sin, worship the golden calf.  Wild idolatry.  Moses confronts the people (3000 die), mediates, lies prostrate 40 days before God: “if your presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.” God relents, responds to Moses, and offers the most comprehensive, spoken revelation of himself in scripture (quoted often).

Revised Sept 15, 2014.  28 slides.

16C Isaiah 6, Vatican II (New) PIP PP

Isaiah 6, an influential worship pattern: transcendence (throne high & lifted up), confession (I am undone), forgiveness (coals touch lips), call (who shall I send?), dedication (send me). Also sea changes in worship practice from Vatican II.